At Deer Ridge Loans we want to offer you a loan that allows you to pay back the loan over time, rather than paying us the entire loan balance on your due date like the Payday Loans that are offered by other companies. Our flexible repayment schedule allows you to payback your loan between 4 and 36 installments. Also, we do not charge you any prepayment penalties. How much you pay in interest is entirely up to you!
Lastly, we want to help you even further. All our Installment Loan payment histories are reported to Transunion. This can help you boost that credit score that you have been wanting to do for so long as long as your payments are made on time.
Minimum Loan Amount: $100.00
Maximum Loan Amount $1,500.00
Maximum APR: 550.00%
*Payment Schedules can be setup on weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly plans.
Please read and understand the terms of the loan agreement before signing. The maximum annual percentage rate that is being charged on loans is 550.00%.
This Lender is regulated by:
Missouri Division of Finance
P.O. Box 716
Jefferson City, MO 65102
(573) 751-3463